Experience the Chilling Horror of Iceland in “The Damned”
In the chilling horror film “The Damned,” Iceland’s extreme climate sets the scene for a narrative filled with foreboding and dread. The story follows...
In the chilling horror film “The Damned,” Iceland’s extreme climate sets the scene for a narrative filled with foreboding and dread. The story follows...
“Stray Gods: The Role-Playing Musical” has captivated audiences with its unique blend of interactive fiction and musical theater. Now, fans can look forward to diving deeper into the game’s narrative with the upcoming DLC, “Stray Gods: Orpheus.” This expansion focuses on the character of Orpheus, providing players with a two-hour experience that explores his backstory and challenges the expectations placed upon him. The DLC features six new interactive tracks and contributions from renowned songwriters. Broadway actor
In a world where reboots and origin stories are commonplace, the arrival of “Wonka” adds a dash of whimsical innovation to the familiar cinematic...
Disney’s “Wish” arrives as a beacon of modern animation, casting a spell that is both a reminiscence of the studio’s glorious past and a...
Despite the thrum of anticipation echoing like a siren’s song before its release, Disney’s 2023 live-action remake of The Little Mermaid struggles to ride...
The remake of The Wicker Man is an amazing piece of cinema for all the wrong reasons, and now this 5th Symphony-inspired re-cut of...
If I was king of the land I’d commission this person to bring this to the stage for all of us to enjoy. Auto...
An untitled CGI-animated film is in preproduction at Lucas’ Skywalker Ranch in Marin County. Kevin Munroe is directing the CGI film, which is expected...
Geeks anxiously awaiting DOLLHOUSE can meantime get their Joss Whedon fix with this bizarre web show, created during the writer’s strike, starring Neil Patrick...
On further reflection, I don’t really care for it, but the Zandozan song still makes me smile. There was another heroic ditty, “Go Alex...
Jason’s worst nightmare Evil Dead: The Musical is here. This hilarious live stage show takes all the bloody fun of the 80Â’s horror films,...