“Mashina” A Robo-Filled Adventure with Stop-Motion Charm Launches on Kickstarter
Talha and Jack Co, the creators of Judero, released their new game Mashina just five months after its predecessor. Despite their speedy production, they...
Talha and Jack Co, the creators of Judero, released their new game Mashina just five months after its predecessor. Despite their speedy production, they...
In the chilling horror film “The Damned,” Iceland’s extreme climate sets the scene for a narrative filled with foreboding and dread. The story follows...
In a terrifying incident at Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, guests were sent into a panic as they believed there was an active shooter on...
Actress Amandla Stenberg, known for her role in Disney+’s “The Acolyte,” has responded to racist backlash by releasing a self-made music video and song. The video serves as a powerful counterattack against the prejudiced animosity she has faced and challenges her detractors to dance to her tune within 72 hours of its release. Stenberg directly addresses misinterpretations of her past comments on race in the lyrics of her song. The song, which drops on Junete
Richard M. Sherman, the legendary Disney songwriter and composer, has passed away at the age of 95. Known for his iconic songs and film scores, such as those from “Mary Poppins” and “The Jungle Book,” Sherman leaves behind a lasting legacy in the world of music and entertainment. Over his illustrious career, he won multiple Oscars and Grammys, contributed to over 200 songs for Disney films and theme parks, and continued to be involved in music creation until his recent work for
Following last week’s announcement of the now fast-selling U.K. tour, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse composer Daniel Pemberton is revealing that the film’s live-in-concert experience is now web-swinging across the Atlantic and into the States. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Live in Concert’s 50-plus-date U.S. tour will kick off Sept. 1 in Nashville, Tenn., featuring a live-to-picture […]
It took almost 30 years to locate this rejected Nightmare on Elm Street song from legendary ’80s pop-icon L.B. Rayne, but now it’s finally...
The remake of The Wicker Man is an amazing piece of cinema for all the wrong reasons, and now this 5th Symphony-inspired re-cut of...
The retro-styled soundtrack from the Scott Pilgrim video game from chip-tune band Anamanaguchi is coming to iTunes on August 24 through ABKCO Music. If...