The Return of Superman: Official Trailer Revealed!
Prepare to witness the return of the world’s most beloved superhero in “Superman,” directed by the visionary James Gunn. This highly anticipated film introduces...
Prepare to witness the return of the world’s most beloved superhero in “Superman,” directed by the visionary James Gunn. This highly anticipated film introduces...
HBO Max has officially renewed the adult animated series “Creature Commandos” for a second season, while the first season is still airing. The series, which is part of the new DC Universe continuity, has garnered success and audience appeal since its debut in December. “Creature Commandos” is the first release within the revamped DC Universe, paving the way for future projects in the narrative realm. The show, produced by DC Studios and Warner Bros. Animation, features a talented cast including Viola Davis
In the upcoming Superman reboot, James Gunn is finally bringing Krypto the Superdog to the big screen. After decades of comic book appearances and...
James Gunn introduced Creature Commandos, an animated series from DC Studios, at the Annecy Animation Festival. The series will debut on Max in December and feature Viola Davis as the voice of Amanda Waller. Gunn’s vision for the DC Extended Universe aims to align film, TV, animation, and gaming with consistent characters and histories, allowing for crossover between mediums. Creature Commandos will continue the storyline from the Peacemaker season one finale. Gunn’s integrated vision allows characters to transition seamlessly among
Chris Pratt has expressed his willingness to reprise his role as Star-Lord in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) if the story is worth telling and if director James Gunn gives his blessing. In an interview, Pratt discussed his deep connection to the character and the impact it has had on his life. However, he emphasized the importance of maintaining the tone set by Gunn, which may prove difficult since Gunn is currently committed to DC Studios. Pratt’s loyalty to Gunn and his creative input highlights the
Warner Bros. is set to showcase its new anime movie, “The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim,” and offer an extended look at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival in June. The festival will also feature a making-of session for “Creature Commandos,” the first DC Universe title by James Gunn, as well as panels on “The Amazing World of Gumball” and a premiere of “The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney T
In a first look at the highly anticipated film “Superman”, an intriguing image of David Corenswet as Superman. The photo showcases Superman’s calm demeanor as he goes about his superhuman routine, while a giant pink eyeball looms ominously in the background, hinting at chaos in the streets of Metropolis. Theories suggest that the eyeball may be the Emerald Eye of Ekron from DC comics, a powerful artifact with a vulnerability to K
– James Gunn is filming his new film, Superman, with news on the actor behind Jonathan Kent, Superman’s Earth father, just being revealed.– There...
Milly Alcock, celebrated for her role in “House of the Dragon,” has been cast as Supergirl in the upcoming “Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.” This...
Helmed by James Gunn, the director synonymous with breathing fresh life into storied franchises, “Superman: Legacy” is not merely a film; it’s the dawn...
In a bid to rejuvenate its flagging superhero franchise, DC Studios, a division of Warner Bros., has just named David Corenswet and Rachel Brosnahan...
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 emerges as a supernova of heartfelt emotion and irreverent humor in a cinematic cosmos brimming with superheroes and...
James Gunn has been confirmed as the director of the upcoming superhero movie “Superman: Legacy.” The film, set to release on July 11, 2025,...
So for whatever reason, I decided to finally see The Specials . I kinda knew what to expect: low budget, played for yuks, b-list...