Thandiwe Newton and Steve Zahn Join Columbia’s Comedic Reimagining of Anaconda
Thandiwe Newton and Steve Zahn, known for their roles in Westworld and Silo respectively, have been cast in Columbia’s comedic reimagination of the 1997...
Thandiwe Newton and Steve Zahn, known for their roles in Westworld and Silo respectively, have been cast in Columbia’s comedic reimagination of the 1997...
HBO Max has officially renewed the adult animated series “Creature Commandos” for a second season, while the first season is still airing. The series, which is part of the new DC Universe continuity, has garnered success and audience appeal since its debut in December. “Creature Commandos” is the first release within the revamped DC Universe, paving the way for future projects in the narrative realm. The show, produced by DC Studios and Warner Bros. Animation, features a talented cast including Viola Davis
Sony is set to release a hilarious and terrifying reboot of Anaconda, the 1997 snake-themed horror film, just in time for the holiday season...
– Sonic the Hedgehog 3 deviates from the previous movies by reining in the pop culture references and introducing a serious villain, Shadow the...
Amazon MGM Studios is bringing back the beloved parody universe of “Spaceballs” with a highly anticipated sequel. The original film, known for its hilarious take on the “Star Wars” franchise, has become a cult classic. Mel Brooks, the mastermind behind many great parodies, is producing the new installment alongside comedy force Josh Gad, who will also star in the film. Josh Greenbaum will be directing, aiming to bring a fresh era of laughs to the satirical sci-fi adventure. Plot details
Ella Purnell, known for her role in “Fallout,” is set to star in the horror-comedy “The Scurry” alongside Rhys Ifans, Paapa Essiedu, and Antonia Thomas. The film revolves around a park attendant (played by Purnell) who must fend off aggressive killer squirrels. Purnell’s transition from the post-apocalyptic world of “Fallout” to this furry nightmare showcases her versatility as an actress. Directed by Craig
Andy Samberg is teaming up with the directing duo Radio Silence for an action comedy titled “The Robots Go Crazy.” The film, produced by The Lonely Island and Radio Silence, will feature Samberg’s signature humor and is set to be a thrilling ride filled with robot-induced mayhem. The script is being written by Andrew Lanham, known for his work on “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” and “Just Mercy.” With Samberg’s comedic genius, Radio Silence
In their upcoming film, “Alpha Gang,” the Zellner Brothers bring together the worlds of alien invasion and comedy. The movie features Cate Blanchett as the leader of an alien biker gang disguised as a 1950s biker gang. The gang’s mission is to conquer Earth, but they face an unexpected challenge when they start experiencing human emotions. Blanchett’s role as the leather-clad figurehead of the interstellar crew promises to redefine the archetype of a space invader with
Paul Walter Hauser has been announced as the newest addition to the cast of the Naked Gun franchise reboot. Hauser will be playing the role of Captain Ed alongside Liam Neeson in the upcoming film, which is set to be released on July 18, 2025. Directed by Akiva Schaffer and produced by Paramount Pictures, the untitled film is highly anticipated by fans of the iconic comedy series. Hauser’s involvement in the project adds another layer of excitement, as he joins a talented
The Fall Guy, directed by David Leitch, is an exuberant, high-flying romp that leans heavily into action, humor, and its star-studded cast. Headlined by...
“Lisa Frankenstein” emerges as a vibrant splash on the monochromatic palette of contemporary film. This cinematic endeavor, directed with a keen eye for both...
“Destroy All Neighbors” emerges as a splatter-comedy that rides on its irreverent humor and a scrappy, DIY punk spirit. Directed by Josh Forbes and...
“Totally Killer” attempts to carve out its own space by blending teen slasher and time-travel genre elements, but without either of the chops to...
Warner Bros. has unveiled the main trailer for the much-awaited “Barbie” movie, offering viewers an extended peek into the bright, pink world of Barbie,...
Party Down was a beloved but short-lived television series that debuted in 2009 on the Starz network. Despite being canceled after only two seasons,...