Bo Burnham – My Whole Family
The first song that Burnt used to introduce me to the phenomenon known as BO BURNHAM. Very Eloution-esque for the day, if the Eloutions...
The first song that Burnt used to introduce me to the phenomenon known as BO BURNHAM. Very Eloution-esque for the day, if the Eloutions...
One of the great new internet pioneers. I can’t wait for him to get so famous that he becomes a total dick!!! Support Bo...
At first, I thought it was a sitcom set during the MCP’s reign of terror, but this is good too:
If you’ve watched a “viral” video in the last few years, you HAVE to watch this music video. The song is pretty catchy, but...
On reflection, Leprechaun in the Hood is probably one of the greatest movies ever made. And here is just one piece of evidence why:
Infamous celebrities, legendary historical figures and Oprah take me on a wild tour of time in this tribute to me! (amazing, amazing tech –...
I was really really bored, I guess. I have no excuse, and I apologize for nothing… except for being shirtless.
“Thriller” as performed by inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center. Amazing.
I realize this ain’t a true music video, but man, what a weird flick. This is posted to honor the fact that they’re making...
I have no shame. I guess there goes running for public office. From the YouTube description: “A bored teenager honors Spinal Tap with this...
A music video tribute to the classic Andrew Dice Clay movie, The Adventures of Ford Fairlane, set to Billy Idol’s “Cradle of Love.” Yes,...
One of my favorite movies of all time is Deathstalker 2. I don’t know why, I just love the cheesiness of it, the whimsical...
This Flash Gordon music video is the first music video I had ever created. It’s occasionally inspired and clever, so seemed an adequate choice...
What we’re gonna do right here is go back… thanks to this amazing Back to the Future tribute video set to Huey Lewis’ “Back...
Not from the current run, though featuring the current lead, maybe this will get people inspired to see the Evil Dead: The Musical NYC...
I’ll let our boy Junky give us the deets on this wonderful music video to a movie maybe three of us have seen, and...
Amateur music video of the Queensryche song, led by Tom Daffron, a kid Rommel and I grew up with who left the Long Island...
Indulge in this mash-up music video, celebrating (mostly) 1980s comedies, including Ghostbusters, Caddyshack and The Blues Brothers. With exclusive footage, including pre-proton stream GB2...