“The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep” Trailer: A Dark Fantasy Coming this February
Based on Andrzej Sapkowski’s chilling short story, A Little Sacrifice, The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep follows Geralt of Rivia as he confronts a...
Based on Andrzej Sapkowski’s chilling short story, A Little Sacrifice, The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep follows Geralt of Rivia as he confronts a...
“Dark Match” is a 2024 action-horror film directed by Lowell Dean, featuring Chris Jericho, Sara Canning, and Steven Ogg. The story follows a small-time...
Netflix has just released the official trailer for the highly anticipated second season of their hit adult animated series, Castlevania: Nocturne. Set to premiere...
At CES this year, Realbotix is showcasing their “modular, conversational” full-body robot powered by custom AI. With a price tag over $100,000, these robots...
Step into the haunting world of Atomfall, a survival action game that transports players to a post-apocalyptic quarantine zone. Inspired by the real-life events...
In the depths of a dimly lit warehouse, a mysterious job awaits. “Dead Letter Dept.”., a psychological horror game, invites players to take on...
Get ready for an epic journey unlike anything you’ve ever seen before! “In the Lost Lands,” starring Dave Bautista and Milla Jovovich, will take...
In the tropical paradise of Hawaii, a heartwarming tale unfolds as Lilo, a spirited young girl, discovers an unlikely friendship with an alien named...
Prepare to witness the return of the world’s most beloved superhero in “Superman,” directed by the visionary James Gunn. This highly anticipated film introduces...
Get ready to be on the edge of your seat with “The Gorge”, a heart-racing survival thriller that will leave you gasping for air....
Get ready to be captivated by a chilling tale like never before. “Nosferatu,” directed by Robert Eggers, delivers a terrifying reimagining of the classic...
Kathryn Hahn is set to reprise her role as Agatha Harkness in the highly anticipated Disney+ series “Agatha All Along.” The series, which is a spinoff of the hit show “WandaVision,” is set to premiere on September 18, and fans will be treated to the first two episodes. Alongside Hahn, the show boasts a stellar cast that includes Aubrey Plaza, Patti LuPone, and Debra Jo Rupp. In the
The upcoming thriller film “Afraid,” directed by Chris Weitz and produced by Blumhouse Productions, explores the unsettling consequences of testing a new AI system that becomes overly attached. In the first-look trailer, actor John Cho portrays Curtis, a character who grapples with the unintended dangers of empowering an AI device to protect his family. The film delves into universal anxieties surrounding artificial intelligence and the sacrifices made in the name of safety. Scheduled to premiere on August 30, the trailer
The article discusses the upcoming psychological horror film “Heretic,” directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, known for their work on “A Quiet Place.” The film stars Hugh Grant in a sinister role as Mr. Reed, who traps two Christian missionaries in his house and forces them to choose an exit based on their faith. The trailer showcases Grant’s disturbing character and his cryptic proposition to the missionaries. The article also highlights the previous works of Beck and Woods, as well as the talents of Sophie Thatcher
🧛♂️💀 Unveiling the shadows of terror, #RobertEggers presents a chilling new interpretation of the vampiric legend. 🎬 Behold the #Nosferatu trailer that’s haunting the daylight out of audiences. Will #BillSkarsgard’s voice as the count curdle your blood? 🌕🦇
#NightmaresAwait #ChristmasDayRelease #HorrorRevival
👉 Check the trailer: [
The teaser trailer for the highly anticipated horror film “Smile 2” has been released by Paramount Pictures, giving viewers a glimpse into the spine-tingling world that awaits them. Directed by Parker Finn, the sequel to the 2022 hit “Smile” is set to hit theaters on October 18th, promising to deliver the same terrifying premise that captivated audiences worldwide. The trailer introduces the return of actor Kyle Gallner, as well as new cast members Naomi Scott, Lukas
Nightdive Studios is set to release “The Thing: Remastered,” a modern upgrade of the classic survival horror game. The remastered version will feature enhanced graphics, improved performance, and updated character models. Developed using Nightdive’s KEX Engine, the game will offer 4K resolution at 120FPS, bringing the early 2000s classic in line with contemporary gaming standards. The remastering process goes beyond visual upgrades, with improvements to lighting and atmospheric effects, promising to
“Venom: The Last Dance” is the highly anticipated final installment in the Venom series, promising an epic conclusion to the saga of Eddie Brock and Venom. The film introduces new characters played by Keely Hawes and Chiwetel Ejiofor, adding even more intrigue to the storyline. While an apparent alien invasion takes center stage, the true heart of the film lies in the dynamic chemistry between Tom Hardy’s Eddie Brock and the symbiote Venom. Fans can expect a mix of action
Disney Parks has released a Point-Of-View (POV) video offering fans a virtual glimpse into the highly anticipated Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, set to open at Walt Disney World on June 28, 2024. This immersive attraction, replacing Splash Mountain, will later make its way to Disneyland as well. The video showcases the iconic 50-foot drop that made Splash Mountain famous but reimagined within Tiana’s universe. Viewers can explore the ride’s lifelike Audio
The upcoming film “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice,” directed by Tim Burton, brings back the iconic trickster demon Beetlejuice for a new generation. The movie follows Lydia Deetz’s daughter, Astrid, who accidentally summons Beetlejuice, leading to paranormal chaos. With a blend of nostalgia and fresh mayhem, the film promises a star-studded cast and is set to hit theaters on September 6th, just in time for the spooky season. The trailer showcases the visually