Another Great Potter Movie


I normally never ever see previous years releases once that year is up unless I originally saw them in their original year of release. Make sense? Of course it does! It just screws up my lists. Miss Potter sparked my interest last month, and I had every intention of seeing it on Dec. 29 when it opened in limited release in NY and LA. For some reason, though, something happened and it only opened in LA on the 29th. Anyway, it opened in NY today, and, despite presenting an interesting dilemma for my movie list, i made a well-worth-it trek to see it. Ewan and Rene should do more films together. They’re two for two. I wouldn’t tell all the denizens of EG to run out and see this…there are far more films that take priority out there right now. But for those who are done with 2006- err – sort of – then look into this charming little film.


2 Responses

  1. killycraze82 says:

    this no potter, this stupid shit

  2. Cybergosh says:

    oh killy – u so craze!