Star Wars Ahsoka Review: Lightsabers, Lore and Legacy!


In a galaxy not so far away from our living rooms, the revered Star Wars universe grows by another beguiling installment with “Star Wars: Ahsoka.” Now, Rosario Dawson dons the Togrutan lekku to bring the animated legend Ahsoka Tano to life in a series that’s part Campbellian odyssey, part space-age opera.

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“Ahsoka” is a narrative embroidery where classic Star Wars ethos meets contemporary storytelling aesthetics. An analytical dance of sabers and sentiments, where the show’s plot is as straightforward as a blaster’s beam, focusing on the search for Grand Admiral Thrawn, but the underlying emotions and intricate relationships add layers to this space tapestry.

The choreographed lightsaber duels are an artistic ballet, showcasing the unique style that creator Dave Filoni has nurtured. Ahsoka’s battles emphasize not just her skills with a blade but her strategic smarts and creativity. It’s a visual symphony that has never looked this cool in the live-action Star Wars realm. Take that Obi-Wan!

In addition, the delicate handling of the relationship between Ahsoka and Sabine Wren (played with depth by Natasha Liu Bordizzo) adds a character-driven drama, resonating with silence, avoidance, and eventual reconnection. The patient storytelling, enhanced by Kevin Kiner’s luscious score, swells and calms, mirroring the emotional ebb and flow of the characters.

However, not all is serene in this galactic venture. While ambitious, the attempt to bridge animation and live-action sometimes results in an artificial visual style. Moreover, while Dawson’s physical mimicry of the animated Ahsoka is admirable, her performance occasionally feels slightly stilted.

Like “The Mandalorian,” “Ahsoka” strikes a chord with the new generation and the old guard of Star Wars fans. It takes us back to the roots of what made Star Wars captivating – the mythos, the earnestness, the complex characters – while introducing fresh ideas. The series echoes the original trilogy’s charm, renewing excitement for the franchise and promising to unravel new layers of the Star Wars universe.

“Star Wars: Ahsoka” is both a love letter to the fans and an invitation to newcomers. It weaves classic themes with fresh narratives, engaging audiences with its action and emotion. The slight missteps in execution are forgivable when faced with the show’s charm, thematic resonance, and ability to make us fall in love with Star Wars all over again.

RATING: 4.0 out of 5.

Star Wars Ahsoka is now streaming on Disney+.

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2 Responses

  1. Hiro Nostroza says:

    ahsoka is the best star wars since mandalorian

  1. November 27, 2023

    […] in 2006, closely collaborating with George Lucas. His latest achievement, the Disney+ series “Ahsoka,” not only brought animated characters to life but also expanded the lore of the New […]