
Monster Hunter Rise Review: A Focused Combat System of Unparalleled Depth and Precision


Monster Hunter: Rise is a fantastic video game and a must-play for fans of the series and newcomers alike. The game takes the best elements from previous Monster Hunter games and improves upon them, resulting in a fantastic hunting experience. The game was initially designed as a Nintendo Switch exclusive, but this PC release is a solid port that includes all the features you would expect – and next-gen versions on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X shine as well!

The game has a fantastic onboarding experience, introducing several new mechanics that enhance the hunting experience. One of the most exciting additions is the Palamute, a rideable dog that transforms the game’s traversal. The Palamute allows for faster movement and the ability to wall run and grapple, adding a new level of excitement to the hunting experience. The dog is also an essential tool in battle, allowing players to chase down fleeing monsters.

Monster Hunter: Rise has a beautiful art style, even if the graphics are less advanced than some other games. The performance was smooth on a GTX 1070 and there are options for ultrawide monitors and an uncapped framerate. However, if you’re playing on a high-end rig, the game may not be as visually impressive as other games.

The game has streamlined many tedious elements of previous Monster Hunter games, making it more accessible and enjoyable. You’ll spend most of your time hunting monsters, as opposed to fiddling around in menus or trying to figure out what to do next. The faster pace of the game and the sense of verticality in the locations make the game feel more lively and exciting than older titles.

Monster Hunter: Rise is unforgiving, with its monsters being a formidable challenge. The game starts with smaller creatures and gradually introduces more challenging beasts, leading to awe-inspiring fights against Elder Dragons. The game has many large monsters, making each hunt unique and unpredictable. The game is not shy about having monsters fight each other, making for some truly epic battles.

Overall, Monster Hunter: Rise is a fantastic game that combines deep combat systems with beautiful graphics and smooth performance. The game is a genuine pleasure, and it’s easy to see why the Monster Hunter series has become such a global hit. If you’re a series fan or looking for a new gaming experience, you won’t be disappointed by Monster Hunter: Rise.

RATING: 4.0 out of 5.0

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    Wish I could watch these movies everyone else gets to see but I'm too busy playing games 24/7. Thanks Dad for the trust fund!

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2 Responses

  1. Toy Dogwatch says:

    The combat system is super deep and precise, keeps me on my toes but it’s a bit hard to get the hang of at first, but totally worth it once you do.

  2. sexual chocolate says:

    The combat system in Monster Hunter Rise is truly impressive. It’s both deep and precise, making every hunt feel unique and rewarding.