Evil Dead Movie Review – An EntertainmentGeekly Podcast


Evil DeadAs big fans of Sam Raimi and the original Evil Dead saga, we were pumped to see the remake which we had read was getting good press from the horror community. We even convinced the legendary BAKE SNAKER to join us as a special guest as we toured a different kind of cabin in the woods. When all was over, we were a group divided – some of us hated it, one of us liked — how could this be?

Highlights include:

  • Looking back at the original Evil Dead. Do people keep confusing Evil Dead for Evil Dead 2?
  • Gore hounding. Was it shocking, was it tame, was it necessary?
  • From backwoods indie to Hollywood style – did we like the look of the new Evil Dead?
  • A key story change that makes the straightforward tale even better
  • What the heck did that thing after the credits have anything to do with the movie, other than pandering to its fanbase???

So get ready to swallow your soul and dive in to our EVIL DEAD movie review podcast:


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