A Good Day To Die Hard Movie Review – An EntertainmentGeekly Podcast


A Good Day To Die HardWow. Usually, we do our best to mask our final opinions before you give the podcast a listen, but in the case of A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD, we’ve got to cut to the chase. Don’t see it. Don’t buy a ticket to see it. Don’t add it to your Netflix queue as an upcoming DVD rental. Don’t put the keyword into your DVR for when it runs on F/X in a Die Hard marathon. Trust us, if you have any love for Die Hard and Bruce Willis’ John McClane, just pretend this movie doesn’t exist and go on with your life. Rent one of Willis’ direct-to-DVD stinkers if you need your fix, but stay away from this one!

Special friends of EG, Josh & Tess, help lend their wit as we all try to make sense of the nonsense we just witnessed. And for deeper deconstruction, highlights (?) include:

  • Why no one told Bruce Willis that he was in a Die Hard movie
  • Why there isn’t a single likeable, interesting character in the entire film
  • Why John Moore, the director of Max Payne, was a lousy choice
  • Other insane oddities that drove us to madness

Of course, maybe we’re just bitter jaded die-hard DIE HARD fans, so let us know what you think when you see it. Sure we’ll be upset that you defied our explicit wishes to avoid this movie at all costs, but we’ll always love you. For now, enjoy our A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD movie review podcast:



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