TRON 30th Anniversary Event(s) In The Works!


We just left “The Making of TRON” panel here at Pop Con LA with an interesting tease of a possible event (or events) that may take place in the near future at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.

During the laid-back and hilariously entertaining panel, a lively Bruce Boxleitner and Cindy Morgan shared anecdotes from the 1982 classic with the crowd alongside TRON’s Visual Effects Supervisor Harrison Ellenshaw and William Kallay (Author of “The Making of Tron“).

The highlight of the panel was when Tron publicist Michael Bonifer (and author of the classic “The Art of Tron”) stood up from the crowd with the tease of new info coming during San Diego Comic-Con this week regarding the 30th Anniversary of the film as well as Bruce Boxleitner’s new steampunk project, “Lantern City.”

A mysterious new Twitter account @Tron30th will apparently begin tweeting info tomorrow, with more information being released during Comic-Con this coming Thursday. We’ll be watching closely for details on what should be a fun event to look forward to!

TRON Lives!


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