Darth Vader Changes In New Star Wars Blu-ray Make Me Want To Scream NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!



I’m starting to re-consider my Star Wars Blu-ray pre-order. Remember how awful it was when Greedo shot first? Maybe I’m just a Star Wars geek, but it wasn’t just a cosmetic change to me; it transformed the character of Han Solo for the worse. Now there’s this Darth Vader change to the end of Return of the Jedi. Remember how powerful the end was, where Vader quietly but visibly awakens as the Emperor is killing Luke?

Well, if you couldn’t process his motivation, George Lucas has simplified for you so that you hear Vader say, not once but twice, NO! in response to the Emperor’s attack. I just don’t get it. Someone please explain it to me.

And this deleted scene seeing the light of day is another reason I’m over Star Wars.


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3 Responses

  1. Cybergosh says:

    That’s impossible. If this is true, fuck this Blu-ray set. I’ve broken free.

    This is worse than anything and ruins one if the best moments in cinema history.

    Fuck You, gl

  2. psyko tek says:

    I won those dvds
    shooting first removal sucks
    don’t even care abpout the
    mesa sorta don’t care anymore
    star wars has been dead and will remain so until they put out as close to the originals as they can get

  1. September 13, 2011

    […] Earl Jones. If you’re not sure what’s going on, be sure to see our original story: Darth Vader Changes In New Star Wars Blu-ray Make Me Want To Scream NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! AKPC_IDS += "6028,"; […]