‘TIN TIN’ Posters & Trailer


A U.K. and U.S. poster have both just been released for The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn, which arrives in U.S. theaters on December 23 (U.K. theaters on October 26). Look at those writing credits!!! This will be Speilberg’s best film in a long while.

The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn comes to theaters December 23, 2011 and stars Daniel Craig, Simon Pegg, Jamie Bell, Cary Elwes, Andy Serkis, Nick Frost, Tony Curran, Sebastian Roché. The first film is directed by Steven Spielberg.

UPDATE! Check out the first trailer HERE at Apple Movie Trailers! While we don’t get too much, and it could have used a bit more magic, those three screenwriters + Spielly at the helm + Producer Jackson + Kennedy/Marshall + Johnny Williams + SimonPegg/NickFrost = CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!
