Disneyland: Bad News and Good News


The good news = According to the Twitter account of @ThemeParkOne, there is a strong possibility Disneyland will give its less-than-Orlando / should-have-kept-Carousel-of-Progress “Innoventions” pavilion a “Stark Expo” makeover. He goes as far as claiming that “Mockups, renderings, even costume designs exist at WDI.” With Richard Sherman providing the very retro Disney-esque theme to the Stark Expo in Iron Man 2, this project would be a perfect fit. The bad news is that the Stark Expo attraction appears to be taking the place of any major E-ticket TRON attraction that Walt Disney Imagineering had in the works.

We’ll keep our eyes on this closely. While a Stark Expo attraction would be great, it’s a shame we may not ever get to experience the excitement of The Grid on an level other than ElecTRONica. The world of TRON has so much potential for a top of the line E-ticket classic – it’s truly seems foolish for Disney to let their plans for this one Derezz.


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