
This Asshole Is Being Put In Pirates Attraction


I’m sorry. I have nothing against Ian McShane, but his Blackbeard character in Pirates 4 just kinda looks like one of the most bland villains ever to be put on screen. Maybe I’m wrong. I hope I’m wrong. But right now he and any other character in the two trailers we’ve seen so far are doing nothing to get me excited for the 4th adventure of Captain Jack. Especially Penelope. I cringe just thinking about her saying “Steady as she blows.” Eeeeesh. Anyway, Asshole Blackbeard is being put into the waterfall projection moment in both pirates attractions East and West. Says the Disney Parks Blog, “Captain Blackbeard will make his appearance on the ghostly waterfall in the grotto scenes of the park attractions beginning May 20, coinciding with the release of the new film, “Pirates of the Caribbean – On Stranger Tides,” in which McShane plays a starring role.”

Although it seems Davey Jones is gone for now, he will apparently be returning later this year.


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