‘King of Kong’ Arcade Opens


The good news is that an Arcade based on the great “King of King: A Fistful of Quarters” has opened inside the Orlando airport.

The bad news is that, judging from the looks of it – it is nothing more than a lame modern arcade using the film’s title only. Some reports indicate there are no classic retro games inside at all.

So, wait. You’re telling me someone out there thought to open an arcade based on a film revolving around Donkey Kong and didn’t even put Donkey King inside the place?

To make matters worse, the villainous Billy Mitchell was on hand for the opening ceremony with Steve Wiebe nowhere to be found.

I have never said this in my life because I think it’s a lame expression, but, since there’s no other way to describe this, allow me to say “EPIC FAIL.”

Source: Orlando Sentinel


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