Cybergosh’s 9 of ’10


Here are the 9 films that made me happy in 2010. While there were a few others* that were worth the time and money, these are the experiences that have space reserved on my shelf for their blu-rays…

9. The Fighter
8. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole
7. Let Me In
6. Tangled
5. Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows

2. Kick-Ass
2. Toy Story 3

1. Tron: Legacy
1. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

What about you?

Revisit all the titles of 2010 and think back to what made you feel that feeling you love to feel in a darkened theater…

Just please don’t say Black Swan or I’ll ban you from this site.

Hope you had as much fun this year at the movies as I did. Best year in a long time. 2011 looks terrible in comparison. But you never know. Who would have guessed a year ago I’d see Scott Pilgrim 14 times, more than even TRON: Legacy (closing in fast at 7 times as of today!)

Here’s to more surprise awesomeness in the next 365!

*”…few others worthy of my time and money” : Salt, Splice, Iron Man 2, Predators, It’s Kind of a Funny Story, Shutter Island, Faster, Unstoppable, MacGruber, even Cop Out for Faltermeyer’s return.

Worst 9 of ’10:
(keep in mind these are just from what I saw, which is hardly everything. I;d guess, had I seen films like Burlesque, Little Fockers or Megamind they’d have their rightful place on this list.

-The Social Network
-Easy A
-How To Train Your Dragon
-Robin Hood
-Prince of Persia
-Grown Ups
-The Last Airbender
-Black Swan

I should also mention the 1-2-3 punch of the year’s biggest letdowns. Three films I was counting down the days for, walked in hyped as could be and walked out trying to convince myself I did not feel as betrayed as I did…

The Expendables
Alice in Wonderland

…but hey, there’s always hope for ‘Expendables II’ and ‘Machete Kills,’ right?


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3 Responses

  1. SKEETER says:

    CANNOT believe Airbernder is not your #1 worst! To paraphrase Spidey Bway theatergoer: That film is an abortion!

  2. cybergosh says:

    THAT’S how horrid B.S. is. BS is BS.

  3. Day says:

    anyone who didn’t like Airbender didn’t get it. Rent it and give it another chance. Pick up Devil while you’re at it, that movie was great! Scary! You’ll sleep with the lights on for sure!