Level Up Your Scott Pilgrim Blu-Ray !


The good folks over at Slash Film have scanned their signed Scott Pilgrim blu-ray’s and uploaded for all of us to slip over our own covers. In addition, they have the infamous 8-bit inspired cover to print as well!

Head over here and start printin’ !

And, if you haven’t had time to dive into the 17+ hours of extras on this blu-ray – you are so dumb – fo real. Best blu-ray ever created.

Oh, and head over HERE, where OC Weekly has a good run down of every video game reference in the film.

And one last thing – for those of you who think my seeing the film 14 times in theaters is crazy – check out this awesome dude! 34 times! He has earned the power of self-respect! Another awesome person who I wish I was friends with!


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4 Responses

  1. Matthew says:

    35, actually 😉

  2. Cybergosh says:

    Amazing, Matthew! In my opinion, you had more fun this year than anyone I know. Here’s hoping 2011 will be filled with many more SP midnights at the New Beverly and elsewhere!

    Happy holidays and stuff from us at EG 🙂

  3. Matthew says:

    Those get expensive, since I live in Seattle. Don’t plan on doing anything on January 14/15. Not sure if Mr. Wright will be there though…

  4. Cybergosh says:

    Oh, wow – I had heard Edgar was doing another series at the New Bev in Jan but I have not been able to find any info on it.

    Thanks for checking out our site:)