
Warwick Davis: From WILLOW to HALLOWs


LA TIMES — Warwick Davis has been a Hogwarts professor and a horror-film leprechaun. He was the lead Ewok in the George Lucas universe and even walked across the screen as wise, old Yoda. The actor, whose memoir is titled “Size Matters Not,” may be 3-foot-6, but he has put together a towering film resume in sci-fi, fantasy and horror. None of the experiences, however, quite measure up to his 10-year “Harry Potter” tenure, which is coming to a close as the franchise finishes its epic tale with the two-part film “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.“

The first of those films arrives Nov. 19, and Davis says it’s a bittersweet sensation to leave Hogwarts for good. “It feels like we’ve all graduated, and we’re all going off to university or going on to get a proper job in the world,” Davis said. “It was so much like that, just leaving people. We’ve all grown together over the last 10 years, and it was a really sad day, the last day… There was this sort of stunned silence afterward, when we all sort of realized, that’s it. Tears were shed.”

Check out the entire article at the Hero Complex at LA TIMES!!


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