Williams=Awesome,Not Fun / Giacchino=Awesome,Fun


LaughingPlace reports that once again John Williams has declined the opportunity to provide any original music for a Disney attraction, this time declining to score Star Tours II: The Adventures Continue (Williams was not involved in the original Star Tours or any of the Indiana Jones attractions). Instead, the awesome Michael Giacchino has been tapped to score the new attraction as he is a fan. The signature Star Tours jingle will be kept.

I’ve been the biggest fan of The Giacchino since the Lost World video game (which I always felt was a better score than Williams’ score for the actual film!) but this would have been one last chance for Johhny W. to immerse fans inside the Star Wars universe with his signature melodies. Not too worried though, Giacchino hasn’t failed us yet and it’ll be interesting to see what will come up with in his second Tomorrowland attraction (Space Mountain being his first).


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