James Cameron Don’t Owe You!


James Cameron directed a few choice words at an autograph seeking fan last night — calling the guy a “fucking asshole” during an argument over a signature.

It all went down at LAX — when James walked past a man holding an “Avatar” poster, and refused to sign. The man went back to Cameron and asked again to which James replied, “I don’t owe you a fucking signature … just get out of my fucking personal space.”

That’s when the fan lost it and replied, “I’m an asshole because I ask someone I admire for their autograph that makes me an asshole? I make $15-an-hour at work to go see your film and I’m an asshole?”

I guess I got off easy when I asked him if Angela Basset “shot” the theme of The Terminator.

SOURCE = TMZ. Check out a clip of the whole incident HERE.


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