Paranormal Activity May Scare You to Death!
I remember hearing about this movie, Paranormal Activity, last year as it did the festival circuit. It’s about a young couple that moves into a house and starts documenting their experiences with some sort of otherworldly force. Think “The Blair Witch Project” meets “Ghost Hunters” and you’ve got the right idea. What I had heard is that Paramount bought the rights with plans to remake it, then abandoned those plans and put some money back into the film to spruce it up more than the low budget indie that it debuted as, and then we’re going to put it out for the world to see. Seems like that time is almost here.
On September 25th, Paranormal Activity will open in select cities, and there are midnight screenings popping up from Boston to Los Angeles, many of which are free. If you need any further proof that you have to see this movie, watch this trailer and try not to be too afraid:

Written by: Eros Welker
i love to watch this movie but its not showing in theaters here in Philippines. Looks like aaa.. bla bla..
SCARY! beee.
i was just wondering if any of you guys have a first hand experience about Paranormal in real life.`:~
They should make a movie about the Old Alton Bridge. This is a little bit of the legends of the Goatman’s bridge.
There have been several disappearances on and around Old Alton Bridge. Most notably, one that occurred November 15th 1967. The Denton newspaper at the time did an article on a mustang found abandoned on the bridge and there were lots of people that reported other missing persons linked to the Goatman’s bridge and the Goat man.
The story is that Klansmen raided the house of the Goatman, Oscar Washburn, and killed his family after attempting to lynch him over the side. The legend says that he disappeared over the side and now attacks anyone who crosses the bridge at night in an effort to protect his family.
I thought the original Paranormal Activity movie was great. The second one wasn’t that great. It was more shocking than anything.
To tell the truth, I’am speechless. The Shawshank Redemption is great. I am quite young movie fanatic, actually, this film came out the same yearI was born, and so I’am to a greater extent accustomed movies with unbelievable special effects, edge-of-your-seat action, et cetera. This film has no of that, and however, it appeals so closely . Way Frank Darabont applies the narration of Red to drive on the tale, the excellent the film music used (note the harmonica used just before Red receiving the letter at the end). The entire film, from starting to closing, from actions to music, is a beacon of hope, judgment, and repurchase. The cast is ideal, Morgan Freeman(Red) in reality brings about a refreshing feel to the tale, and that is precisely what the film is, what a movie should be. Highly recommended for each film fan.
i have always been interested in the paranormal and the occult, that is why i bought some trifield meter and emf meters .-.