Good Riddance Michael Jackson


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I loved you in the in 80s, but these last 20 years have been hellish. Child molestation charges, your baby dangling, you almost made me revoke my fan membership but I still love Beat It and Bad, mostly because they’re great and somewhat because Weird Al has great parodies of them. I hope you find peace whereever the HELL you end up, but I’d be lying if I said I really cared about you recently and that this affects me in any negative way. I am sad that someone died, but I’d be more sad if it were John Landis.

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105 Responses

  1. briana says:

    ur a stupid DICK and i hope u get hit by a bus one day or just die a horrible grosme DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. ValleyFit says:

    I can udnerstand being upset with MJ, He was a great musical talent, but not a great human being.  I’m amazed how popular he is in death when nobody could give a shit over the last ten years though.  I’m not happy he’s dead but certainly did not care that he was alive.

  3. fdghf says:

    Good riddance? You’re a horrible person.

  4. Asyliac says:

    Wow.  I’m not sure who is worse, have you ever touched a child?

  5. Marshall Harris says:

    Screw Michael Jackson.  His music will live in and he won’t and the world is better off.

  6. brittany says:

    ok little shorties what yawl r saying is whack because michael jackson did not rape that child the lil boy acussed him of touching him in the wrong places first off if michael jackson did that he would have done time in prison……. did he……… NO and he did not hang his child he was showing his child to the world since every one wanted 2 see…. and the media took it the wrong way like all ways……….. and yawl other haters saying screw him please screw u cuz any body that talks about a dead man surely has no heart u people are some top noch haters and haters made michael jackson the king of pop so please keep on hating cuz your just making him better than ever!!!!!!!!!and obviously u care bcuz ur wasting your time blogging about him in a negative way when u could have just kept your worthless stupid lame comment to ur self and michael jackson is and all ways will be the king of pop

    so fuck the haters

  7. Evil Michael says:

    i hate you all and i have kids in my lap right now and i’m fondling their balls!!!!!!

  8. Lori says:

    Dude, not cool. MJ was awesome, and even if you didn’t like him, you have no right to say “good riddance.” I agree with Brittany, but I’d just say it nicer. Just not cool at all.

  9. lucy says:

    I 100% agree with brittany, Michael Jackson was,is and ALWAYS will be the king of pop, his music inspired loads of people around the world including maddona so those pathetic haters OBVIOUSLY dont know the facts do they? he was an amazing singer AND dancer and the people who diss him are most probably sad with no life at all or bloody jelous of him and his success! R.I.P Michael, u are and always wil be a legend and forever remembered in mine and many other peoples hearts all around the world x

  10. Robbo says:

    Wow, MJ did more more for the homeless than you ever will. Sickminded gutter trash!.

  11. nuhya says:

    angry  angry  angry  wow dude wow. you are cold hearted and a jerk. And here are the reasons why.

    1. michael was abused as a child and IS and always will be the King of pop.

    2.he is a lovable father and cared for his and all kids.

    3.the only reason he went the court is because he is a rich,BLACK (yes i said black he was born that way wasnt he),powerful man. did i mention rich and thats why he was NOT GUILTY! haha people

    4.oh, yeah. he changed the world, fought for equality, had millions of fans GLOBALLY, help feed africa and was better than ANY artist out there. he also gave tours, probably for free, of Neverland to sick and underprivileged kids and was in Guinness book as most charitably profitic entertainers in history. now that doesn’t sound so bad does it? is john landis? he had a drug and alcohol abusive, as well as controversial lifestyle. he wasn’t so PERFECT either?

    now i have a question for you.have you done ANYTHING in YOUR life that changed the world? i don’t think so since you’re on here talking about the LATE king of pop. now why don’t you BEAT IT, since you’re sooo BAD and check with the MAN IN THE MIRROR first since you want to say something.

    good day sir.I SAID GOOD DAY! p.s i agree with brittany!

  12. fergie says:

    There are some really mean, sad people living here in the USA.  No wonder other countries hate us.  We have a lack of compassion that is astounding also coupled with a disgusting arrogance like none other.  To be glad someone is dead especially someone that has done so much for others only because he was accused of harming a child (people will lie in the face of money, parents especially).  We don’t know what Michael did or didn’t do.  Wasn’t a serial killer after all.  He was a black man who got too big for white america.  He out stepped his place and certain whites had to bring him down.  Well, God took his gift to us back.  We did not appreciate him like we should have and now he can add his voice to the angels.

  13. EJah says:

    I can’t believe you said that about Michael Jackson.  Sure he had his problems, sure he did a lot of crazy things.  But compare the bad things you know about him to the good things you know about him (including the effects his music had on your life).  You shouldn’t say good riddance about him or any other human.

  14. Fine Machinery says:

    F u cazy loons.  He was a pedophile.  So he made some nice sounding songs in the 80s, that doesn’t forgive him!

  15. jk says:

    dude, i have only 1 thought to leave you with. MJ died, you wrote an article saying good riddance to him, and look at the number of people who cared abt MJ who posted supporting him.

    When you die, IF anyone ever happens to write an article on you… you think u gonna get any comments?


    Cause no one cares abt u.

    God bless u MJ. Ur fans loved n will always love u, no matter wht

  16. Cari says:

    Wot a SIMPLE-SIMON you are..!!!!!

    (well, are you really a human being, or a sick gorilla)!!! You believe wot the press says???!!!  ;Wot a mean and idiotic person (??) you are!!  Hope someone says GOOD RIDDANCE to you TOO one day…..  and Im gonna say it now….How dare you slam MJ in that way!!!  How small and meanminded!!

  17. Debbie Tuck says:

    You crazy sorry ass motherfcker. Take off your hood off next time. You are just a racist jealous asshole. What the fck, good riddance to another black man is what you mean. He cared and gave moreto the human race than any man in this world.

    Look it up bitch!!!

  18. cassie says:

    oh please…as if your death will influence anyone in a negative way… your just an ignorant hater, get over yourself.

  19. Anonymous says:

    You are an idiot. he was a genius and if you cant see that you are a dumb ass no one will cre when you die

  20. Someone says:

    Yeah i know u don’t like Michael Jackson but how would u like it if ur life was as difficult as his? he was child abused and he DIDNT dangle his baby other his balcony …well he did but he wasn’t threatening to drop it . why would he drop his own baby?everyone wanted to see it so he showed them I bet u would be upset if that was u in that picture with your nose falling off i can tell thats fake.If u loved him in the 80s you should still love him and that showes you not a true mj fan i know why u don’t like him anymore and that reason is f****** ridiculous u disgust me

  21. Mephisto says:

    yes he had musical talent, but if the guy next door to you who used to babysit you and touch you inappropriately died, you’d feel the same way?  all these Michael jackson fans are the ones that are crazy.  no one gave a shit about him and now suddenly cause he’s dead and it’s the cool thing to do, they care.  you should care about the human race, not one person.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Fair enough you have your opinion but i think the picture you posted and some of the things you said are very disrespectful, granted i was nowhere near his biggest fan but you could at least show some respect for someone as great as him, yes he had child molestation charges… he wasnt proven guilty, surely that says something…

  23. Mephisto says:

    All anyone did was bad mouth him (for good reason) and then he dies, and everyone loves him. It’s all bullshit.

  24. anonymus says:

    I dont think this funny hes a great man that has done a lot for us all. This really is disrespectful. Why dont people just leave him alone he was only tryng to live his life with no interuptions.

  25. anonymus says:

    you disrespectful fuck! who the hell do you think you are michael jackson was a pop music icon. he was never convicted of child molestation so why do you get your facts straight and burn your faggot ass, cheap motherfucking self in hell!!!!! i hope you get killed a horrible death because thats what you deserve

  26. Hone3g says:

    “Michael Jackson masturbated me many times both with his hand and with his mouth. Michael Jackson told me that I should not tell anyone what happened. He said this was a secret.”

  27. Michael Jackson says:

    Helloooo!  yes its me!  i’m just getting used to typing with bony fingers i’m used to them being flesh covered so fogive me if this comes out a little weird, heehee!  Anyway please stop with the potty mouths there’s no cause for it, and for those saying racist this racist that, I don’t understand, I’m white, I mean, Janet’s black, is that why you are all confused?  I was white anyone with eyes could see that!  Silly billys.  God bless.  No, seriously, I’m sitting right next to him, He said bless you all, and get off message boards and go get lives.


  28. Marina Houff says:

    Are you fucking kidding me you stupid asshole. What the fuck is wrong with you. How could you say that shit about someone who died? You remind me of the assholes who talked shit about a girl who died in my highschool this year in a car accident. You’re disgusting excuss for a human being. You probably find all these comments funny but that just proves how disgusting you really are. Burn in hell you disgusting, vial piece of trash.

  29. phylicia says:

    FUCK WHO EVER POSTED THAT PICTURE WITH THAT CAPTION, the poor man died a little over a week ago and you have the fucking nerve to post shit like that. WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?

  30. phylicia says:

    FUCK WHOEVER POSTED THAT PICTURE WITH THAT HEADLINE!!!!! that poor man died a little over a week ago. WHY CAN”T YOU SHOW SOME FUCKING RESPECT. YOUR JUST PISSED CUZ THE WHOLE WORLD HATES YOU. well guess what, he will always live forever. his name will be around for many years to come. and your name will be forgotten, the minute you die. so you can SUCK IT BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. BDrago says:

    i hate michael jackson.  his music sucks, he sucked so who gives a shit.  he ruined perfectly good tv today.

  32. SAISENSEI says:

    what a cock. what do you mean good riddance? you lack respect dude. you obviously don’t listen to music and waste time reading those gossip magazines about fake stories. you also put an insulting picture of him. how would you like it if we pissed on your grave when you die and make a mockery out of you? grow up and respect MJ.

  33. deni says:

    i just want to say i think that you are the rudest person!!! who do you honestly think you are!!!! SHAME ON YOUU!!!! this is really disrespectful! Think of his family, his children! i cant believe you have done this, all Michael Jackson wanted was privacy in his life freedom from people like you!!!

  34. Jambambi says:

    i hate all of you pseudo-michael jackson fans.  it’s your fault he’s dead.  if you supported him all these years, he wouldn’t have died!

  35. Castel16 says:

    this whole farce was like a black pride parade.  look at the audience for the memorial.  look at rev al sharpton.  i bet most if not all of you are black too.

  36. Marina Houff says:

    Actually no… I’m not black, I am extremely white. He was just an amazing artist and a gift to the music industry. And if you think about it… Michael Jackson was black… and so was his entire family… they are very likely to have black friends. Not to mention it was a funeral so there is going to be a lot of black… but I don’t know… thats just what there usually is. So theres an explaination for there being so much black at the funeral for those of you who are to stupid and ignorent to realize that. Michael Jackson is dead and sure he made some mistakes and so do all of us, his mistakes were just publicaly announced across the world. He deserves respect still however just like anyone else does. His family already has to deal with his death they don’t need people like the people in Geek Weekly posting hate messages and disrespecting Michael Jackson too. Grow up and get some respect.

  37. Ricardo Banmontal says:

    I respect the music, I do not respect the man.  He was not a good person.  Stop kidding yourself and creating a revisionist history of this man.  He was an addict, a pedophile and a danger to himself and those around him.  Great music does not erase those faults.

  38. christina says:

    Whomever wrote that article on michael jackson should just go to fucking hell you ignorant piece of bullshit seriously a man has just passed away, and you even said in the article yourself you loved beat it and bad. ITS STILL THE SAME FUCKING MAN YOU RETARD. You really dont deserve a place on this earth, i wish you went instead of him. Seriously. Your worth nothing.

    Dont even reply to me you worthless shit head just go die

  39. lucy says:

    me back agen to support MJ against some of the shitheads making fake accusations over a man who only did good for the world and inspired so many. Firstly did any of u uckers actually know micheal? no, diddnt think so! so u cant just go by wat a bloody little snich sed in a magazine!! his parents probz just wanted a bit of dosh and used the little bloody thing to make a faulse accusation! he was a fucking good hearted man and if u dont beileve it u dont no any of the facts coz like everyone has sed he only did things good and tried his best to help people! so stik tht up ur lame, jelous pathetic arses! And none of u bloody fuckers could say his music sucked coz how the fuck would he become the king of pop if he sucked so much then?? so if the press decided to juice things up a bit and sed beyonce was a serial killer would u believe tht?? NO! its the same bloody thing, he is still the same guy he was in the 80’s and he will always be an amazing icon to everyone so fuck your rong accusatons and keep ur clearly wrong opinions to urself! he was, is and ALWAYS will be the king of pop and when he died, he took music with him! and thts the bloody truth so to all of his fans like myself i just wanna say tht u guys rock! and to those tht arnt u need to get ur bloody mind sorted out!! RIP MJ, loads of people including myself will ALWAYS love u xx so ALL I WANNA SAY IS THT U OBVIOUSLY DONT REALLY CARE ABOUT HIM! and u should coz he was just like everyone else and wanted to have a private life but the press couldnt leave the poor man alone could they!?!? so make sure u invite me to ur funeral coz im gonna spit on all ur graves and my last words to u will be good ridance bitch!

  40. Evil E says:

    Can’t believe you posted that video of Michael Jackson with his hair on fire!  Oh no!!!

  41. Laura says:

    The child molestation issue wasn’t even true. The child who was apparently “molested” came out after MJ’s death and said that he was lying all about it.
    So grow up, give it a rest, the pop legend has passed away, let him finally sleep in peace. FFS.

  42. sexycream21 says:


    innocent want proof heres your proof












  43. fajar says:

    great jacko.what a nose from pig?

  44. never say never says:

    lik wat da heck how in the world ur nose falls off lik serious dat jus creepy

  45. sophia says:

    that is so sad that some one did that to the king of pop.
    i want them to go to jail for how wrote that

  46. b says:

    youre all fucking wrong did you no the guy personally no so hush ya gums…………

  47. Stephanie says:

    what is with you ppl? MJ may not have been perfect. But then again, who isn’t? Skip the drama and let Michael rest in peace!!

  48. abigail fugah says:

    ok christina u are a stupid girl an asshole fuck u mother u´r father u´r generation why could u write this may the god strike u death bastad daughter of a cheap bitch.

  49. abigail fugah says:

    stupid gurl watch u´r mouth white pig. u want to deal with a nigga ok. fuckin bitch wait for u´r turn.hehehe u think u are 2 special hahaha!kiss my ass bitch , my ass is 2 precious for u ok. i have a nigga ass.MJ J ACKSON IS THE BEST END WILL BE IT FOR EVER. IF U WANT or NOT. GO TO HELL OR MOON U ARE A PEACE OF SHIT FOR THIS WORLD.lots of people love him if u dont like him sorry for u´r self u even not speacial to like him. Bye


    mj was a freak who’s ashamed of his own skin. he turned himself into a white man and had no balls to admit he bleached his skin but bullshited about some skin disorder. he changed his face into a freak but never admited to any plastic surgery except saying he had nose job done to help breathing problems….yeah right. the fact that he thought people believed his BS showed how immature and clueless he was. I loved his music when he was a real black guy singing thriller, beat it etc…..but the moment he turned into a freak, a liar and a coward who didnt even have the balls to admit he did major plastic surgery…. that’s when i lost respect for this idiot….SO YES. GOOD RIDDANCE