
Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game


UPDATE: 200 copies are out there now, mostly going for outrageous amounts on eBay. Impressions and reviews are coming in here. The rest of us have to wait till October. This quote is awesome:

“That being said, an interesting feature of the game is that cylons might now show up during the begining of the game. Once the humans have gotten 1/2 towards winning the game a second batch of loyalty cards are handed out, which can cause people who thought they were playing humans all along to really be cylons. And one person will end up getting a sympathizer card that switches the player to be on whichever side is currently doing worse.”

Doug, prepare yourself. Dan, hold onto your pants.


“Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game is an exciting game of mistrust, intrigue, and the struggle for survival. Based on the epic and widely-acclaimed new Sci Fi Channel series, Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game puts players in the role of one of ten of their favorite characters from the show. Each playable character has their own abilities and weaknesses, and must all work together in order for humanity to have any hope of survival. However, one or more players in every game secretly side with the Cylons. Players must attempt to expose the traitor while fuel shortages, food contaminations, and political unrest threatens to tear the fleet apart.

Includes: 10 character cards, 32 highly-detailed plastic ships, high-quality card board tokens, hundreds of cards, game board with resource counters. Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game is a semi-cooperative game for 3-6 players ages 10 and up that can be played in 2-3 hours.”

I know we were aware of it, but I didn’t remember seeing any details about the gameplay. I have to imagine that they mix up who the Cylons are in the game, otherwise, it’d be a pretty weak game.

Source: BoardGameGeek


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No Responses

  1. Junktape says:

    A must have for my birthday.  Cannot wait.  Cannot wait.

  2. junktape says:

    OMG – this excites me almost as much as the gb video game.  Can everyone just pool together and put this under my birthday tree?  (he shamelessly requests) This is something my wife and family would never in a million years ever think to get for me.  Too bad October is way past my birthday, lol.  Guess we’ll all have to buy it for each other for Thanksgiving.  wink

  3. junky says:

    Amendment to above shameless begging – was not implying we should pool in to get it off ebay.  Screw the scalpers,

  4. Oracles says:

    Haha they’ve got this on http://www.empireboardgames.com except their prices don’t even work

  5. Birthday SMS says:

    I dont like the luk of this game, but i do like the fact your in space, space seems to intrige me abit, call me wierd but some people r different

    Happy Birthday SMS

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