Soundtrack of the Week: The Last Starfighter – The Musical


On further reflection, I don’t really care for it, but the Zandozan song still makes me smile. There was another heroic ditty, “Go Alex Go Alex” bit, but I can’t seem to figure out which song that is.


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  1. Fats and the Ko'Dan Armada says:

    Wait, WHAT????

    There’s a Last Starfighter musical???

    I must go!!!


  2. cybergosh says:

    The show is long gone from B-way, but I can get you a copy of the soundtrack if you’d like smile

  3. rockthefaces says:

    Actually, it was never on Broadway – it had a limited run off-Broadway. I still remember my experience with it; I went to see it on the last night, and they were sold out. I was crushed, but then some guy had an extra ticket since one of his friends had bailed, so I bought it and got in.

    I have to say I was pretty disappointed in it. For one thing, it was done in a very, very jokey, “Hey, isn’t this story ridiculous?” kind of way – which I think could work on some level, but I just felt very little affection for the source material at all. They put next to no effort into the aliens and effects – I’ve done shows in shitbox basement theaters that did a better job of that kind of thing. And they made some really weird story changes. For example, they finagle it so that Centauri ends up as Alex’s pilot rather than Grig. Why? I have no idea.

    And then there’s the music, which was lame throughout. The Zandozan song was alright, and I think they actually used elements of the original score in one of the tunes (I can’t remember the name of it, but it was the love theme between Alex and his girlfriend on Earth). But, overall, crap.

    So, yeah, it wasn’t a good show and, ultimately, I’d rather have lived on with the Last Starfighter musical in my head than with what it ended up being.

    Now, an Enemy Mine musical…THAT would be something.

  4. Eros Welker says:

    Yeah, not hearing the Last Starfighter themes as the tunes kinda ruined it for me.  Also, the old lady song, that almost killed me.  I appreciated the attempt and I had a good time, but I wouldn’t really recommend seeing it.