
NBC Plans 12-Month “Season”


NBC said Tuesday that it intends to depart from tradition by presenting its schedule in a series of unveilings, rather than during a single “upfront” presentation in May. NBC chief Jeff Zucker said in a statement that an outline of the network’s schedule over an entire year will be presented to advertisers in April during one-on-one client meetings in the country’s three advertising hubs, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. That will be followed on May 12th by what Zucker called a “spotlight event” in which advertising opportunities on all of NBC-Universal’s properties, including NBC, Telemundo, and cable channels such as MSNBC and CNBC, will be showcased. In reporting on NBC’s plans, the New York Times commented today (Wednesday), “It soon may be time to retire the phrase ‘fall television season.'”

This is long overdue, don’t you think? How long before the other “broadcast” networks follow suit?


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  1. junky says:

    finally.  Now maybe they’ll star counting Tivo thumbs-up clicks as a ratings system.  Or even better, with reality television on such a high, JUST LET US VOTE FOR WHAT SHOWS WE FUCKING WANT.

    Let’s just TXT them our damn votes so WE can program their networks.  Eh?  EH?????

    I got the tagline – “It’s your network.  We just work here.”

  2. mdhuff says:

    Yeah, I think it’s a great idea.  TV needs to move with the world and stop trying to move the world.  Junktape, GREAT idea for a network.  Although, the mobsters at Neilson might have you killed.