
Me Like the Iron Man



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  1. Eros Welker says:

    I think I will like this movie, I really do.  But I get Fantastic Four vibes.  Not AS BAD as the Four mind you, which are horrid, but some sort of inkling that I won’t like it as much as you folks.  The new Super Bowl spot didn’t impress me.  Really, I just love the first 30 seconds of the original trailer up until we hear the Black Sabbath song.  Then the rest of it is okay.

    I know this will be better than the Four, and infinitely better than Ghost Rider… but I’m not a Zathura fan, so I don’t have faith to go on for this one.  I just wish there was one solid teaser or trailer that gave me chills or got me psyched (a la Star Trek or Dark Knight).