Can’t wait to read this!




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  1. Fat Ass says:

    I’ve had this on order from Amazon since last August. Did you see it at a store? Is it available now???

  2. Eros Welker says:

    No, I got an advance copy of it and didn’t even realize it was coming!  Should be in stores Feb 5th.  As soon as I finish this Temeraire novel, I’m all over this.

  3. MAO says:

    Cool, I have so much to read, I’m currently all into Richard Matheson’s work ~ In related alien news, did you hear the Meet The Spartans writing/directing team’s next project is a spoof of all things alien invasion/outer space?  They said the Scary movie franchise got into some alien stuff, especially Signs and War of the Worlds, but their idea is different, they want the whole plot to be non stop alien action and parody every alien of note from the last 50 years, so look for the alien, predator, The Thing, Body Snatcher pods, Critters, Mac, etc.

    To quote:  “We’re even going old school – Star Wars, hell, even that one that ripped it off, Spaceballs, we’re gonna make fun of all that sh*t!”

    Kidding.  See, despite this week’s box office, things can always be worse.