The Ultimate Doctor Who Clip


The greatest clip ever from the bestest TV show, Doctor Who, starring the brilliant actor, David Tennant. I think I have a mancrush.

I also love the little cyborg alien Warwick Davis-esque looking guy.


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  1. doctor junky says:

    I hear ya.  I so cherish this series, it’s right up there with Buffy for me.  Amazing that what the British consider a kiddie show is probably far too cerebral for American adults.  Yes, Doctor Who sometimes shows it’s demographic by being a bit silly, but the concepts, emotions and relationships are impressively grown-up.

    It’s my favorite show on tv.  For every episode that’s a “miss,” there are three that hit you square in the joy zone.  It’s the only show I’ve cried openly watching – thanks to the amazing second season finale. 

    Recently watched all of season two over again.  Am very excited for Season Four, especially with David Bowie onboard.

    But the greatest doctor who clip?  Was on the Ricky Gervias show, EXTRAS:

  2. Cybergosh says:

    I think i will finally give this show a try.  Setting my TiVo!

  3. Eros Welker says:

    I hope you like it but you should watch the DVDs first, instead of just jumping in.

    BTW, to share favorite shows, I have to tell you all again, and will probably post this separately, but THE WIRE is the best show on television EVER.  There hasn’t been one single minute in its 4 seasons worth of episodes that has been bad.  Not one.

    Also, Friday Night Lights makes me tear up on a weekly basis.  Beautiful show, love it.., and I hate sports.