
Not A Total Golden Shower, but…


No Golden Ticket either.

I guess i should say that it was a lot better than i anticipated. I liked the CG work on the Daemons. The girl was likable. Kidman wasn’t annoying. The Ice Bears rule. There were sequences where i was really falling for this movie. This is the KIND of movie i love, and it doesn’t take more than a few cool ice bears and a likable main character to reel me in. That said, why did i keep drifting out?

Why was my mind wandering in places? I should be more into this, i kept thinking to myself. Why am i thinking about going home and not forgetting to plug my receipts from the last two days into Quicken. They’re talking about “The Dust” for cryin’ out loud. The characters all seem to care. I should too! I shouldn’t be thinking about receipts and Quicken.

And then something else would happen where i stopped thinking and started to become involved again. And enjoy myself. And then, after that…300ish at breakfast…then 400 for lunch…maybe that juice was 300 more…shit that’s a lot…then the salad at dinner was ..shit…the dressing might have screwed me up – shit! shit! why am i adding up the calories i put in me today?! They are talking about the Magesterium and all kinds of important stuff! I should be paying closer attention to this!!!

So yeah – that’s what it was like to be me watching The Golden Compass. Which i enjoyed. And cannot wait to see another installment of. But will never probably watch again.

Oh – and i saw Awake – which was oddly shot, paced and acted. Yet it had something to it. I can’t say its a film you have to run out and see…but it wasn’t the disaster that last weekends box office would have you believe it is. And it’s fun to see Anakin having surgery performed on him again (even if it’s not Too-Onebee).


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  1. Eros Welker says:

    It’s reviews like this that make me worry if Sweeny Todd is really going to be magical, and if I’m going to have a miserable time at Enchanted tomorrow.  You found magic in this film, even in pockets?  You are starved!

  2. cybergosh says:

    I never ever used the word “magical” in regard to this film.  Not magical.  But mildly entertaining.  AND i said i wil never watch again!

    Sweeney and Enchanted are my number 1 & 2 of the year officially.  Tied.  Along with Ratatouille.