Eastern Promises, The King of Kong, Manda Bala


Eastern Promises is absolutely worth a trip to the theatre. Cronenberg continues in the same vein as A History of Violence and I think it’s a really great direction he’s taken. Viggo Mortensen is fucking awesome, as is Vincent Cassel. See this soon.

The King of Kong tells the story of the two greatest Donkey Kong players in history. This doc has some of the funniest american personalities i’ve seen on screen since American Movie. It’s very much worth seeing.

Manda Bala is a pretty fascinating film. Also a documentary, I believe this won Sundance last year. Done Errol Morris style. Cinematography is great. Shot on film, lots of aerials of Sao Paulo. Great brazillian music too. It’s basically about corruption in brazil, the disparity between rich and poor and how that leads to kidnappings. Really interesting and disturbing.


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  1. bake snaker says:

    can’t wait to see Eastern Promises… is Manda Bala still playing?

  2. Eros Welker says:

    I totally want to see Naomi Watts.. I mean Eastern Promises.  She might be coming by the office soon, oh how I will quake in her presence.  Frickin’ Liev Schrieber…