hipsters … ya gotta hate ‘em


maybe you LA’ers won’t find this as funny as us NY’ers but check this out.



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  1. junky says:

    Hilarious.  That world is so far away from me now.  The hieroglyphics reading was my favorite part.  Got a worse world here, though I don’t ever interact with it.  Just glimpses of it out my car window, like being on safari.  At Great adventure.  (i.e. little bitches licking peanut butter of my car hood)

    Not a euphemism.

    Sean, your user pic is queer.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  2. Bake Snaker says:

    you want queer.. I’ll give u queer

  3. Junktape says:

    I do.  I want queer.

  4. Junktape says:

    That’ll do, Pig.

  5. Mdhuff says:

    Loved it.  Shit funny.

  6. WarrenTApe says:

    hahahahahaha. i needed that.

    btw, the icon isn’t queer, it’s disturbingly queer.