Meet Bruno the Kid – 3D Bruce Willis


I don’t remember this cartoon at all, but for some reason, I recorded the opening. Totally worth watching and hearing, especially to see the CG Bruce Willis head. For some reason, Willis had a hard on for Bruno the Kid for a while. Never really went anywhere.


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  1. cartoon junky says:

    LOL, I remember that – shoulda put it in the toon of the week series!  Bruno was Willis’ alias, the name he recorded his albums under.  I recall when this show was on the air – seems like there was a fad at the time where a lot of stars were lending their voices/likenesses to cartoon shows.  Howie Mandel, Louie Anderson, Martin Short, etc.  That CGI bruce is creepy.

    And speaking of CGI Bruce, remember the game Apocalypse?

  2. Cybergosh says:

    This was a great show!

  3. Ernesto says:

    If you can send me more videos or whole chapters of this cartoon ,bruno the kid, tell me that to