
Lapti Nek – A Star Wars Musical Tribute


In honor of the Robot Chicken announcement, which continues to take my breath away, take a trip way back to 1983 for a little performance by a little guy with big glasses. Dedicated to Doug “Arkham” Goldstein, Hugh “Tier 3” Sterbakov, Reggie Rucker and others…

Thank the maker for wiffle ball bats, and yes, for most of the lyrics, I knew the words.


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  1. Junktape says:

    I used to watch these old videos in Eric’s basement and laugh my ass off – what a cute kid Ricky was.  The only thing better than this is him lip-synching to the song, “Elvira.” Love the pic of adult Eric with R2D2 on the main page — proving that Lucas still owns our hearts to this day.

  2. fat ass says:

    Good Lord– you were the original Star Wars kid!!!

  3. Cybergosh says:

    The coolest thing about this is that George can’t replace you with “Jedi Rocks”…

    or can he?