Why This World Is A Cruel Place


Wild Hogs (Buena Vista) $38.0 million – opening
Zodiac (Paramount) $13.1 million – opening


4 Responses

  1. Cybergosh says:

    I know.  I was too upset to post this.  Fucking middle america.  They get us everytime.

    Hey, any guesses how much 300 will pull in this weekend?  Despite my feelings towards it, i think it’s gonna clean up.  43.6 million and Zack Snyder becomes the new most sought after director in hollywood, if he’s not already considering he’s about to jump into Watchmen.  Not that i WANT that to happen. I just have a feeling…

  2. Eros Welker says:

    If fucking Wild Hogs can bring in almost $40M dollars, I’d have to hope that 300 clears $50M.  It’s the first real anticipated flick of the year, and if it doesn’t, I’d be disappointed.  Guess it depends on the # of screens though.  If you had asked me a year ago, I’d have thought a $30-$40M opening for 300 would have been fantastic… but again, in a year of Norbit, Ghost Rider and Wild Hogs, who the hell knows?

  3. Cybergosh says:

    I will not allow this website to lump Norbit in with Shitty Ghost Rider and even shittier Hogs.  Norbit is great and deserves every penny!

  4. Cybergosh says:

    I need to adjust my prediction.  300 has taken over MySpace today.  56.8 million.