
In Comic Book Stores Today…


Issue #3 is in comic stores today. Please go buy a copy and punch out anyone else in the store who isn’t.

This is one of three covers…


See also  20 mins to Grindhouse

10 Responses

  1. junky says:

    awesome!!!  Got this coming to my mailbox!  Hugh, when you upload, make sure to “resize” any photo so that the width is 400.  That way the image is bite-size and fits on the page!

    Grats, the art is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Fat Ass says:

    I thought you told me it does that automatically!!!


  3. Eros Welker says:

    haha – I fixed it.. but awesome.  I’m bad, I’ve never read a single episode… but ZOMG – I see an ad for “The Host” next to this, and I have that on DVD!  Gotta watch and review!

    Gotta get me my Freshmen, but hate loose comics – is there a collection book yet?

  4. Fat Ass says:

    There’s a collection for the first series– you can buy it on Amazon.com. Second series’ collection will be out in time for the San Diego Comic Con!

  5. Eros Welker says:
  6. Cybergosh says:


  7. Junktape says:

    Both series are great – you’ll fall for Annalee and in a less sexual way, for Norrin.  A lot going on, lot of characters to keep up with.  Some belong in the peripheral, others are fun to spend time with once they get their due.  Second series is off to a great start.  It’s got a little bit of Hugh on every page.  Lotsa fun – I really hope they make a series or movie out of this.  Cuz I want to see the Beaver done with puppets.

  8. Eros Welker says:

    I guess no one clicked my link, eh?

  9. Junktape says:

    I finally clicked it.  Buried links stay buried!  lol

  10. Fat Ass says:

    Ouch, right in my heart. Imagine how I felt when I went to register Freshmen.com.