
Cops: The Hunt for Manuel Noriega


A rogue undercover cop takes on a drug lord in this Cops-inspired takedown.

Ridiculous, yes… but what else is a boy to do on a lonely night? This was ALSO filmed for a school presentation; why I didn’t get in trouble, I have no idea…


3 Responses

  1. Bake Snaker says:

    Brilliant… line of the year..”I forgot my siren at home.”  This reminds me..I also shot a couple of videos for school presentations…just as ludicrous.  I will post in a few weeks.  Thumbs up…love it!!!

  2. Bake Snaker says:

    I didn’t mean your video was actually ludicrous.. I meant ludicrous in the eyes of school administration.

  3. Eros Welker says:

    I love how you backpedal as if I’m going to take offense to an amateur video shot in the 90s. wink There’s so much to do, I need a week off just to encode video.

    You should absolutely get your stuff on here!  Share the wealth, boy!