
The Hitcher – Remake



Why would somebody remake a film and decide to exclude the best sequence from the original????? WHY!!!!! THE HELICOPTER DOESN’T FALL FROM THE SKY!!!!!!!!

For a Michael Bay remake, it’s not that bad. Sean Bean is the best possible casting for this role. But the writing doesn’t allow him to rise to the sinister heights that Rutger did. There is a rock soundtrack for the kiddies…terrible move. And it honestly doesn’t look as good as the original. The Super 35 doesn’t have the scope of the anamorphic Panavision epicness of the original. The action was more impressive in the first, probably because stunt men actually put their lives at risk back then. And a very bad script decision to have the guy and girl on a road trip together instead of the way that C. Thomas Howell meets up with the sympathetic Jennifer Jason Leigh along the way.

One nice addition – SPOILER – they switch it up..the guy gets tied to the truck instead of the girl….and we see it this time!!! BUT WHY DID YOU DUMP THE HELICOPTER SHOT, YOU ASSES!!!!


5 Responses

  1. Cybergosh says:

    Luckily i dont care about this film, but the proper protocol for spolier warnings should be











    Spoiler ahead…

















    Sean’s a dick.

    Although on the comments, spoliers really don;t even work because you’re eyes will naturally see it anyway.  Roger had the idea to mask the text so the reader would have to highlight it to read it..but i’m not sure we can even change text color in the coments.  I guess the best thing to do is to put a spoiler warning in the main body so the reader knows they lie ahead if they click on “read more”.

  2. Cybergosh says:

    Oh yeah.

    And Bagels from the sky.

  3. Eros Welker says:

    I can’t believe I read the spoiler, but I actually don’t care so much. I love the original, the sequel was an abomination, and this looks in the same league as any of the recent remake trash.  I’ll see it on DVD, not expecting much, and possibly, possibly, I’ll enjoy it.

    More importantly, how come NO ONE is reacting to Silver Surfer’s cock!?!?

  4. junky says:

    Awesome review, thanks for ruining it.  Can’t wait to not be surprised when I catch this on TBS nine years from now.  wink

    Call me when someone remakes the famed “Hitchhiker” HBO series.  WGOD!  Classic.

  5. Roger says:

    The guy being tied between the trucks instead of the girl was in all the previews. No surprise there.