


So I finally got my butt to theater to see Almodovar’s latest Volver…

and I must say..a little overrated. Best screenplay at Cannes? what? If anything, the screenplay was the weakest thing about the film. Disjointed and unnecessary twists. All the actors are great but their direction seemed off because of their strange reactions to tragedy.

Looks like all other Almodovar films…at least since High Heels. Colorful, widescreen…overlit. But hey..the overlighting is part of its charm.

Penelope has a post nasal drip problem, btw. Wait for DVD.


5 Responses

  1. Eros Welker says:

    Is that Penelope on the cover/poster?  If so she looks better than she ever did.  SHe does nothing for me…

    However, I still must rent this direct-to-DVD flick, BANDIDAS.  I love Salma sooo much.  Watch the trailer here.

  2. Junky says:

    Who saw Pan’s Labyrinth?  I thought it was rather exceptional, though in my opinion a little goes a long way as far as the violence is concerned.  At some point I do think it becomes overkill, though of course it is very necessary, especially in the beginning of the film, to set the tone and keep us on the edge.


  3. Bake Snaker says:

    I’ll see that this week and post.

  4. Cybergosh says:

    Pan’s is a good film but not what i wanted it to be.  I liked it up until all that “real” stuff bogged it down and took it away from what i had hoped for…a neverebeding story type thing for a new generation.  oh well.  good, but never to be watched again, i’m afraid. Unlike Perfume!  i love it more and more everytime i think about it!

  5. Cybergosh says:

    I meant “neverending”..i should proof before submitting comments hehe – oh, and i have always hated cruz.  and i don’t make a habit of seeing almodovars.  would rather see black sheep!!!!