Vera Drake


Feel good movie about a baby killer getting what she deserves. My
only problem with the film is that I wish I could have seen her and
her family suffer a little more over her way-too-short two year

Anyhowsey…I love Mike Leigh…worried that this may be a repeat of Topsy-Turvy (meaning a period piece) and that’s why I stayed away for awhile. Finally popped in the DVD and was compelled from beginning to end. I was actually expecting a much longer film… and that drawn out epilogue that Leigh always does….

If you’ve seen’ll prob remember the Christmas dinner scene… classic. Love it. Eddie Marsan is awesome and seems to be doing quite well…V for Vendetta, MI:III, Miami Vice, etc. Anyway, if anything…Leigh should just cut down on the over-dramatic music score.


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  1. insurance says: