Alien FPS Official Announced


Yeah, it was a bad secret, but get your pulse rifles polished, we’re
going to war. Here’s the official word:

SEGA of America Inc. and SEGA Europe Ltd. today announced the signing of
critically-acclaimed developer Gearbox Software to create a first-person
shooter title based on the Alien film franchise for the next-generation
systems with license from Twentieth Century Fox Licensing &
Merchandising. The agreement complements the recent announcement of an
Alien RPG title for the next-generation systems to be developed by
Obsidian Entertainment.

Gearbox Software is a leading developer in the first-person shooter
genre, producing titles for the industry’s top franchises including
Brothers in Arms, Halo and Half-Life. They consistently produce
best-selling titles and have garnered numerous industry awards. Gearbox
Software’s FPS Alien title will retain the atmospheric look and feel of
the original films while leveraging next-generation technology to create
an entirely new interactive Alien experience.

“Gearbox Software has a storied history of bringing innovative and
compelling design to the FPS category,” said Simon Jeffery, President
and COO, SEGA of America, Inc. “Combining their design talents with the
intense action of the Alien franchise ensures that gamers will have an
immersive and action-packed experience.”

“The Alien series has been a tremendous influence for myself, the people
at Gearbox Software and the video games industry in general,” said Randy
Pitchford, President of Gearbox Software. “The opportunity to work with
the amazing people at SEGA and Fox to build a next generation video game
in the Alien universe is one of those dream projects that is a perfect
fit for our capability and our passion.”

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2 Responses

  1. Roger says:

    FPS = good. RPG = bad. Especially if it’s going to be turn-based, that’ll be the kiss of death.

    Primarily, these films are about ACTION. They’re about running, shooting, and hopefully staying alive. They’ve made some great first-person shooters based on the franchise in the past, so I have high hopes for the new shooter.

    (Gamers, you get a gold star if you actually played the Aliens/Predator real-time strategy game for more than an hour.)

  2. Junktape says:

    Welp, if it’s PS3 exclusive I guess I know which system I’m buying next year.
