Monthly Archive: November 2006

Princess Aurora Review

I thought I had my K-dar on strong over the last couple of years but for some reason I let this film from early...

FX Movie News: 11-15-06

Today’s Headlines: MGM Chief Reveals “Hobbit” Plans; The Wachowskis Invade “The Invasion”; Dreamworks Animation Investors Abandon Ship; Superman Sequel Has A Working Title; Digital...

Mysterious Skin Review

Gregg Araki is gay…and I’m not..however I will blow him for being the director with the coolest taste in music in the world. Sigur...


A man, who never saw any of them, watches them in episode order AND writes a review for our brothers at ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY!! HERE!...

Fanboys Trailer Online

The MGM Release of “Fanboys,” from the Weinstein Company and producer Kevin Spacey has a trailer online. It’s about a bunch of Star Wars...

What is it? Review

This is truly an insane film. If you’re interested and in New York, you still have a chance to see it tonight at the...

FX Movie News: 11-8-06

Today’s Headlines: Weinstein Cheats “Death” With Houdini; Frank Darabont To Direct The Mist; Corman Launches Space 3001; VFX in India: Rapidly Maturin; ILM’s Roger...

FX Movie News: 11-6-06

Today’s Headlines: Incredible Hulk Release Date Announced; Transformers Movie “Making Of” Book In The Works; 16 Films Vie For Animation Oscars; Wellywood Looks At...


I’m glad I didn’t support this film in the theater because although I think James Gunn’s head is in the right place…he just ain’t...