Shaken, Not Stirred


That’s how I feel right now. Conflicted. I feel like half-monk, half-hitman. On one hand, I like and respect that it’s a Bond film like no other. On the other, I feel unsatisified and confused. My expectations were akin to Batman Begins, that is a bad way to go into this film…

Click this link to see Burnt, Cybergosh and I doing our post-007 thang or below to read my review.

I’m about to get jacked…. OK, not. Shouldn’t judge a 3am subway dweller by his teardrop tattoo near his eye. Anyway, Daniel Craig is an excellent Bond, a rogue and a brute. Martin Campbell directs an excellent looking film, with some of the best action scenes in a long time. I’m sure there was some, but I don’t recall any blatant CG or any of it. The Le Parkeur stunts were great, a little short, but an amazing scene nonetheless.

Overall though, the whole plot revolves around a hundred and fifty million dollars (compared to world destruction or the “one billion dollars” commonly parodied by spy farces) and the fate of Bond comes down to a game of Texas Hold’em. Those stakes just aren’t high enough for a Bond flick, especially since the franchise has a legacy of showstoppers, like GoldenEye’s EMP weapon or the Moonraker space station project. Worse yet, the movie goes sideways at a weird moment, and you’re left uneasy and unsure of what’s happening, and then it ultimately ends without any sort of real payoff or setup for the next in the series. It’s also one thing to suspend disbelief for Bond acting as a super spy, yet another to buy into one or two of the plot twists and turns.

I think the film is worth seeing, and definitely with its enjoyable moments.. but unfortunately, Casino Royale’s hand doesn’t beat this dealer’s. Maybe next time… As James Bond will return.


2 Responses

  1. cybergosh says:

    I agree…but definetly worth seeing if not for anything else than the two major action sequences alone.  Martin Campbell topped himself.  That airport sequence gave me the AweJaw!

  2. bakesnaker says:

    awesome photos… eros wants to punish..while cybergosh just wants some.