Weird Al’s White & Nerdy


The Master does it again, and no I’m not talking about M. Night Shymalan, but our man of the year, W. Al Yankovic. His new album comes out soon, and will include “Trapped in the Drivethru” which I’m dying to give a listen. For now though, be satisfied with this amazing send-up of some hip-hop star’s song, I have no idea about the original artist. From this moment forward, this tune will always be Al’s. PS, keep an eye out during the action figure call-out for a special friend!


2 Responses

  1. FatAss says:

    Wow… that hurts because… well… it felt autobiographical. Sad, sad, sad for me. Good for Al. Sad for me.

  2. Cybergosh says:

    Amazing.  Al is the Master.