Snakes on an Eros


My commentary on my recent experience, which was quite possibly the best movie going experience of my life, awaits you here. An excerpt to wet your whistle:

Snakes on the Plane is THE reason to go to the movies. It’s a truly theatrical film; meant to be seen by many people at once in a theater. It has almost a Rocky Horror Picture Show quality, which can only be explained by the 10PM showing I just walked out of on Thursday night. I’ll try to do it justice. If you’re looking for a story synopsis or mise-en-scene analysis, please go elsewhere. The movie is called Snakes on a Plane, you don’t need anything more than that.


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5 Responses

  1. Roger says:

    This is the first cult movie where the cult was created before the movie was released.

  2. Owen Gleiberman says:

    I saw you there with your shirt.  Were you the ones fighting afterwards over the Sam Jackson movie posters?

    From your rival publication, Entertainment Weekly:

    “I went to see Snakes on a Plane at the 10 o’clock show on Thursday night, and the mood in the theater was a cross between what you’d expect to find at a ‘Star Wars’ sequel and a midnight show of ‘Bedtime for Bonzo’.”

  3. cybergosh says:

    Yes, Owen.  That was us.  WHile those last moments of the night were filled with drama…the 2 hours prior were the GREATEST movie-going experience of MY life as well.  It CANNOT be described to anyone who wasn’t sitting in that theater 10PM Thursday night.

  4. Thanks for coming to my first show, Eros.  I’m glad you like the movie!  It was good to see You, Cybergosh and Burnt in the theater!


  5. junky says:

    I am so terribly upset that I couldn’t be in NYC with all of you for this experience.  I totally missed out on this entirely.  How were the box office grosses?  Will there eventually be snakes someplace else?