“The Dark Knight” Returns – Batman Begins Sequel Announced


heathledger.jpgThe sequel to Batman Begins has been formally announced. The Dark Knight is the official title of the film re-uniting director Christopher Nolan and Batman Christian Bale. As those who’ve seen Batman Begins know already, the Joker is a focal point of this new flick, and it’s been earlier reported (and now confirmed) that Heath Ledger will play the funnyman. Interesting choice. I’m not against it, especially after the brilliance the first film Nolan took to us. As far as I’m concerned, he’s one of the new Masters, and if you haven’t already, rent Following to get a peek at his earlier work.


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3 Responses

  1. Roger says:

    My favorite thing Nolan said when the last movie was released was something like, “This movie reveals Batman’s true super power: he’s rich.”

  2. junky says:

    I trust Nolan with the Heath decision but I still say Crispin Glover was born to play the Joker… I suppose I’ll just have to settle for him as Grendel.

    I didn’t like Nicholson at first, mostly because of his weight and the fact that he can be distractingly… Jack.  Though in rewatching the original movie recently I realize that Jack was probably the best thing about the whole movie.

    (Except his death, which looks almost exactly like the death of Poochie on the Simpsons…)

  3. cybergosh says:

    I did not enjoy Batman Begins.  But you know that already.