Miami Vice



I have to admit, I wanted to like it more but no matter what, it’s ten times better than Collateral. Script is mildly compelling. Besides the look, the Li Gong/Colin Farrell relationship is probably the most interesting thing about the film. Their trip to Cuba sequence is actually my fave part of the film and that has nothing to do with vice or crime or drugs. But maybe that’s because I wish I could boat off to Cuba with Li Gong. Damnit!!

The film is shot in HD which allows Mann to expose for the night sky (i.e. the picture above). But like Collateral, sometimes you miss the lush celluloid look of Heat and Last of Mohicans. The music is beautiful and enhances the imagery. He uses Mogwai, which is appropriate because in many ways they are this generation’s Tangerine Dream..cinematic rock. But what the eff are with those rock tracks thrown in there? They sound like Pearl Jam or something like that..totally stands out and wrecks the mood.


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1 Response

  1. cybergosh says:

    This was just terrible.  Unexceptable.  I should have listened to my instincts and walked out rather than ignoring them and waiting for coolness that never came.  Terrible waste of my precious time. Collateral is my favorite Michael Mann film.