Dick Donner’s Cut of Superman 2!


superman2.jpgIt keeps getting better and better. First, Superman Returns totally r0x0rz, and now we’ve got Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut coming November 28th! I’ve known about this for a while but had to bite my tongue, but now we finally can see MORE-EL! Plus a new beginning… an additional ending and more more more, including commentary by the man himself. For more details, including ones on the full Christopher Reeve Superman box set, you know what to do.

On November 28, in celebration of the year of Superman, Warner Home Video will release a host of DVDs, all starring the late Christopher Reeve in his landmark portrayal of the Man of Steel. Leading the way will be the long-awaited Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut ($24.98 SRP), directed by Donner and representing Superman II as it was originally conceived and intended to be filmed. An overwhelmingly requested title, the movie features Donner’s original footage, shot but never used before, including a never-before-seen beginning, a never-before-seen resolution, with 15 minutes of restored footage of Marlon Brando as Jor-El and much more.

Other titles to be released include Superman: The Movie Four Disc Special Edition ($39.92 SRP) which features both the DVD debut of the 1978 theatrical version as well as the 2001 extended edition with commentary from director Richard Donner and Tom Mankiewicz, archival footage of additional scenes and screen tests.

Richard Lester’s ever-popular Superman II will be available in a new Two Disc Special Edition ($26.99 SRP) including a new featurette, vintage television specials and additional vault elements; and Superman III and IV Deluxe Editions ($19.97 SRP). Finally, The Christopher Reeve Superman Collection ($79.92 SRP) will be offered in an 8-disc boxed set including all the above (except Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut).


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4 Responses

  1. FatAss says:

    I’m salivating out of every pore. Did you see the footage from the Donner Cut up on the Internet? I think it’s at Access Hollywood– go look!

    Mmmm… I’ll buy the Donner Superman II and even the Superman II special edition, but it doesn’t sound like there’s enough to make me buy Superman the Movie again.

    And I STILL ain’t gonna buy Superman III or IV.

  2. FatAss says:

    I’m salivating out of every pore. Did you see the footage from the Donner Cut up on the Internet? I think it’s at Access Hollywood– go look!

    Mmmm… I’ll buy the Donner Superman II and even the Superman II special edition, but it doesn’t sound like there’s enough to make me buy Superman the Movie again.

    And I STILL ain’t gonna buy Superman III or IV.

  3. FatAss says:

    I’m salivating out of every pore. Did you see the footage from the Donner Cut up on the Internet? I think it’s at Access Hollywood– go look!

    Mmmm… I’ll buy the Donner Superman II and even the Superman II special edition, but it doesn’t sound like there’s enough to make me buy Superman the Movie again.

    And I STILL ain’t gonna buy Superman III or IV.

  4. FatAss says:

    Ohhhh no!!!! It’s not my fault! It’s not my fault! I didn’t mean to post 3 times!