GREAT NEW SITE.Love this guy!


: : : ZACHBRAFF : : :


4 Responses

  1. Eros Welker says:

    Really?  Worthy of posting?  Then again, I posted a pic of a guy eating a cheeseburger… my bad.

  2. Sespin Pratt says:

    well, I also REALLY like the way the site is designed AND it’s the future of celebrities right?  I mean he has the only place where THE TRAILER for his next movie is online.  Think of the possibilities for someone like Seth Green, Cheeseburger Man!!

  3. junktape says:

    Definitely worth posting.  I agree this is the first in many sites for self-promotion and I like the guy quite a bit.  Loved his movie, loved it.  Screw off, snakes.  ;p


  4. Starfucker Mileitno says:

    I can’t wait for the Kubiac website announcement.